Monday 8 June 2015

Science or philosophy?

Building our life around our cultural beliefs and mainstream ideas, we all like the romanticised ideas of love and life.. Everyone likes the concept of unconditional romantic love, love at fist sight, those deep feelings only getting stronger as time goes on, soul mates, fate.. What is love in reality..? A simple secretion of hormones in our brain.. The release of neurotransmitters that we translate as "love".. A necessary process for our species to survive.. The first stage of love is solely connected to our sex drive, oestrogen and testosterone are released, sex hormones which make us lust for someone.. Then neurotransmitters, adrenalin dopamine and serotonin are released.. Our palms sweating, our heart beating faster, the dry mouth are all caused by the increased level of stress which increase your blood level of cortisol and adrenalin.. Elevated levels of dopamine give you that feeling of pleasure, lessen the need for sleep and actually has the same affect on the brain as having taken cocaine.. Serotonin, is what makes us think of the object of our affection non-stop.. Serotonin levels in newly love struck couples are eqiuivalent to low serotonin levels in OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) patients..As time goes on the attachment gets stronger, this is due to oxytocine and vasopressin.. Oxytocine, also known as "the cuddle hormone" is released during orgasm which is why consummating a relationship makes a couple feel closer..Vasopresin which is released after a sexual encounter is the reason for that deep devotion.. That is love according to scientists, broken down to hormones and chemical releases  in the raphe nucleus, ventral pallidum, nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental regions of the brain..
Even time is an artificial construct, made up in our mind and put together in our basal ganglia.. Sadness can be caused by a neuorochemical imbalance..
Although neuroscience doesn't begin to comprehend the complexity of the human mind, it gives simple explanations of how and why we do a lot of the things we do.. A rational explanation to explain our irrational behaviour linked to strong emotions.. Rationally, the pain of heartbreak is all psychosomatic, simply put, it's all in our brain.. Why do we cry when we are in distress? When our brain registers feelings of sadness the endocrine systems is triggered to release ocular hormones which cause tears to form..
Mind over matter, think you're sad and in pain and you will be, free your mind and think you're happy and you are? Maybe that's all you need to do.. Maybe instead of trying to explain the inexplicable human nature, thinking rationally is all that is needed..Maybe breaking it all down to scientific mumble is a better way to deal.. No need to look deeper into the feeling behind it, you just look a bit deeper into your cerebrum, your parietal, occipital or temporal lobe.. It's all a matter of perception, how you chose to perceive the world around you.. asking deep philosophical questions about reality, love and life, rationalising everything and looking for the science, artistically flowing your way through life asking nothing and learning everything.. After all as Edgar Allan Poe said " All we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".. Reality, present past and future, time itself, are just words we have made up, to describe something with no real substance.. If all we perceive is a dream within a dream, isn't it our choice to wake up or keep on dreaming according to the life we want to live? Perception is a matter of choice, so in the same sense, reality is also a matter of choice.. It's an abstract concept , to be interpreted as it suits oneself.. Abstract concepts that you will stumble upon in life whether you choose to or not, no matter how you choose to interpret love for example, you shall feel throughout your life, but how you react to it or live it, is up to you.. 
What is love..? Philosophically and romantically speaking, it's a liberating feeling of fulfilment that everyone is searching for.. A concept to abstract to explain or put in words, unmeasurable, we try to measure it with actions.. An individual experience to every individual.. It's a deep rooted feeling that may start in your brain but you "feel in your heart".. It may not always be an everlasting feeling though, so you should share while you have it, you should cherish it, not let it perish.. You cannot hope for a flower to bloom without the sun or water, so why do you expect love to grow without care and devotion? Ignorance and disinterest shall kill the prettiest flower, the deepest feelings.. 
The here and the now, as artificial as they might be are will we have.. Whether they are a construct of our mind or not, it's where we need to live and love.. Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today, what you can love today.. Action may end up killing Love not proving it.. words can cut deeper wounds than weapons.. 
Philosophy or Science, however you choose to perceive life and feelings, the best you can do, is live it when it comes.. let death be natural, don't bring it upon yourself or feelings..

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