Wednesday 27 April 2016

The aftermath

When you go through a painful situation, something that kills you inside to a certain extent, no matter how much you try your life has a tendency to spiral out of control. You cannot see clearly, you lose sight if what is important and what is not. You lose sight if pretty much anything and everything except for your pain. That awful feeling of dread washes over you making you think everything you touch gets ruined everything you do is wrong, making you think there is possibly no hope in tomorrow, that you will never get over that mind blowing pain. You get lost in trying to survive each day without crumbling to the ground seething in agony. You start to miss things, you start to forget the little things in life that can put a smile on your face. The warmth of the sun on your skin, the cool breeze of spring blowing through your hair, the gentle touch of a friend, a simple joke, a song anything.  It seems your in a trance of sorrow. You just get lost,  lost in the aftermath.
It's funny though, the things that snap you out of it. It can be the most ridiculous thing, the smallest detail can bring you back to reality in a moment. For me, it was you. A simple inconsequential message. It reminded me you see that you not so long ago, just a few light years away used to be the cause of a somewhat lighter but still terrible pain. And that pain went away with time and now here we are, two strangers who used to know each other well who used to share a connection that got lost in time. Two people who are now acquaintances with a common past. You made me think you see, of all that has happened and in a moment, poof, just like that everything was bright again. I have been over this again and I survived it just fine. Life didn't end there, the future did not get plunged in darkness, the world went on turning. Time flew by, the pain numbed and slowly faded away and disappeared. No, I didn't forget you, I wasn't looking or trying to do so anyway. I still remember and at times you still cross my mind. I wonder how you are doing and hope you are well and accomplishing your goals one by one. Our moments flash in my mind sometimes, nostalgia washes over me, of the simplicity -as funny as it sounds saying that now- of us. I smile now when that happens, you were a good chapter I'm my life, one that I have moved on from ages ago. No I haven't forgotten you, I never will, but I have gotten over you. It was nice,  hearing from an old flame, I will always want to know how you are, be happy when you are well, be there if you need me. Sure I would want to see you before I leave once and for all but nowadays that is all. So thank you, my beloved stranger, my beloved lesson, for popping in my life at the right moment, thank you for unknowingly coming to my rescue. You always did appear at the most crazy of times, you always did teach me the most valuable of lessons although you would never know that. Thank you! Your flame will burn eternally in the background for all that you have given me.
And once again, it's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new life!!

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