Thursday 16 June 2016

Old flames, vol.1

Going back to past relationships, is a bald move, the ghosts of boyfriends past haunt you anyway in your everyday life through the lessons they taught you, the memories they left you, the pain they caused you. They're always there no matter how much time has gone by, and despite the fact that you  may or may not have forgotten all about them.
On that note, I got wondering, can a once all stings attached -emotionally- , turn into to a no strings attached relationship? There is some logic to it! It's a person you know well, have seen them at their very best and very worst. You can happily avoid the embarrassment and awkwardness of the first time and you already know the sex is good.
But then again, is it possible to avoid the emotional connection? With such an 'active' past, is it actually possible to think and act purely physically? Can you rekindle the old flame without causing a holocaust? Is it actually a plausible scenario, or are you just bound to repeat history. What drove you apart once, surely will drive you apart once again.Could it possibly be all about timing? And if the timing is right could things turn out a differently the second, or maybe third time around?
They say that when people are meant to be in your life, no matter how far they wonder, will always gravitate towards you. And maybe it is true. On the other hand, there are some stories that you know it in your heart, are just doomed from the beginning. They just aren't the happy ending stories. Maybe you are just destined to always give more and always get less.
I suppose they are cases where the aforementioned just don't apply as rules. But mostly I think it's playing with fire, you know you are gonna to get burned deep down. You just don't really care. Maybe it's a feeble attempt of a naive mind, and you're only fooling yourself that it's what you want while deep down, all you want is a different ending to the story.
All in all mostly percent of the time it is probably a bad idea to revisit your past. Of course I am all for bad ideas as always and really enjoy piling my mistakes up, but on the bright side at least I get to answer my own questions! 
I wonder what could possibly come out of this, but led by a never ending passion, once again I take sure steps towards the burning flame and smile while it prickles my skin. This ought to be good, once again I'm on a highway to hell!

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