Sunday 6 November 2016

That One Bad Day

Making a choice is an everyday part of the human life. People have to make a choice every day and choices can be good or bad, right? I disagree, obviously. Good choices have a bad element and bad choices have a good element. For instance, someone decides to get drunk at the weekend and by drunk I mean wasted. The good element of this bad choice is that he is gonna have a hell of a time while being drunk. The bad choice is getting wasted because we all know what is gonna happen the next morning. Yeah, hangover, headaches stuff like that. This is just an example though and the choice of getting drunk is not as pivotal as other choices we make everyday.

I tend to see human relationships like contracts. Every friend out there, every boyfriend and girlfriend is in a mutual contract with someone else. To make it easier I will use an example again. You have a friend. If you don't have I can be your friend. So you like this friend and you are having fun hanging out with him or her. The benefit of hanging out with your friend is having fun, sharing knowledge and having a great time overall. Your friend's benefits from the same things. A contract is an agreement between two or more parties. All the parties benefit from something. If there is a breach of contract the contract is terminated. If  a friend betrays you or does something that he should not do and that thing has a detrimental effect on you, you juts stop being a friend and you become a stranger to them. Contract terminated. To terminate a friendship is a choice too. A good choice sometimes. Because if someone did something really bad to you they are guaranteed they are gonna do it again. It might take time, days, months or even years but they are definitely gonna do it again. No. I didn't lost my faith in humanity. I just see things from a legal perspective. Someone who stole has a greater chance to steal again than someone who never stole anything. The possibilities are in favour of stealing again. Of course they are possibilities and the person might never steal again but would you trust that person as easy as someone who never stole? I don't think so.

This is perfectly fine. I am sure you feel guilty for not trusting that person as you read this. Why not give that person a chance Nick?
Giving a chance is a choice too. A difficult one to be honest. You either risk the fact that this person is going to betray you in a X time of your life or you don't give that person a chance at all. In the first situation you enjoy his/her company for a while. By ''for a while'' I mean a year, two year or maybe 10 years (who knows). Then there is another choice. Is that enjoyment worth the risk of betrayal? The good element of the ''give that person a chance'' choice is the enjoyment of that person's company and experiences you are going to have together, the bad element is obvious. It's like a game of Would You Rather but with detrimental effects for your existence overall. Would you rather have a really good friend for 10 years with the chance of that person mentally scaring you in the end or not having a friend at all?
But,but, not everything in life is doom and gloom Nick, someone might say. I would agree to be honest.
No every single friend or boyfriend or girlfriend is going to betray the fuck out of you. Not every single person in this world is a bad person. We can't stay inside our protective bubbles for the rest of our lives and  turn off our feelings. Well, yeah nobody can do that. Some people might be able to do this in a higher level than others but nobody can master it.

Everything in life is a choice. Bad elements exist in good choices and good elements exist in bad choices.
At the end of the day, the choices we make define us as human beings. At the end of the day we have to live with the burdens and benefits of our choices.

At the end of everything all it takes for someone to lose his mind is one bad day.

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