Monday 28 December 2015

Superpowers and Miracles

Sometimes certain people are meant to be together and sometimes they are never meant to belong.
There is this certain someone. She is quite a remarkable woman. She is not my heart but I care about her, she is not my family but I miss her. Oh, this stupid little girl. She doesn't like mirrors but mirrors do like her. She is one of the most important ingredients in my life right now. She is the most true person I've ever met. She knows almost everything about me yet she stays by my side. Even though she knows I am fucked up and pretty much empty, she is always there. Always smiling, always making my day better. I consider myself lucky for having her in my life. She can shine bright and radiate more light than the sun and she can be darker than black. She can be heaven and hell at the same time. She accepted me for what I really am, never tried to change me into anything, not even a little and I did the same as well. She popped up out of nowhere, in a pretty difficult time of my life. I remember the first time I saw her. Beautiful, full of joy and always wearing a red lipstick. We talked and we talked about almost everything. She uplifted my empty soul just by existing. She can be weird and serious, bitchy and good, scared and scary, vulnerable and invulnerable, she can be everything and nothing.

Red hair and red lipstick, what a wonderful combination. Dark like the abyss and bright like the morning sun rays at the same time. Her eyes are blue and colder than ice but her stare is hotter than magma. Every single morning we were drinking coffee before class. She was so vibrant and happy every day, it made me wonder. How could she be so happy every single day? I found out that she was like me..cracked, broken. I identified myself in the stories she told me. I felt a strong bond even though I knew her for 2 months. It was like I knew her all my life. Her face was so familiar and her voice was so soothing. After some time she was blonde again and she was still beautiful as hell.
Sometimes I was afraid that if someone was listening our conversations we would be put in a mental hospital and yet, if that was the case I would have the best mental hospital company ever. The epic duo of me and her. The 'two man army' as they say. I could easily picture us in a world domination scenario and her as a Queen. Pulling the strings with just a stare that could pierce your soul and make you instantly fall in love with her. However, she has no idea of her capabilities and potential. This may occur because of her hate towards mirrors but I'm working on changing it.

 Her body posture is overwhelming as always, filling you with so many feelings. Scared, attracted, curious and you have no idea what to do and what to say. She has this superpower... You cant say no to her. Maybe because she is adorable and cute, maybe she really has a superpower, you can never know. The only thing someone can do is to submit to her will and she doesn't even know but I do.
The big conclusion is that certain people are valuable. They may be weird, broken, empty but they can emit so many feelings, they can make you happy and you need to be careful not to lose people like them.
They are like miracles...

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